So, if anybody out there actually reads this blog besides me (and, believe me, I still have enough ego to read my own blog...I AM a fire sign, after all), I thought I'd actually let you know a few things that follow through on my previous posts.
1. One of these days, I am actually going to present a project on this page, instead of all my personal musings about, well, mostly myself and my perspective on things. Amy Quest is actually a bit of a LISTENING project, as opposed to a rambling project. However, I'm learning much about patience, so. For now, check out the link to the Postsecret Project, which is a very admirable listening project as well.
2. The WHITEST GIRL NAME is (drum roll please....): Molly. If you want to read about this, visit:
3. After I gave my acknowledgement to being sick, and asked it to go on its way, I went to bed, and woke up, entirely well. I went for a run at 9:30 a.m.!!
4. NASA was successful in it's target practice...After watching from the houseboat rooftop with my naked eye, I ran to the computer and watched the live stream of the washing machine making impact with the comet. My sister and I could barely stand the resemblance of the comet's profile to the American Buffalo. Troy kept repeating, " do you think it's for real? Do you think it really happened?" Unfortunately, I think it did.
5. I I love everyone. Especially people who comment on my blog. turtle, amy, ruggles, anonymous, I love you mostest. (for the rest of you, really! It's painless! Say hi!!)
Okay, last thing. In a few hours, it will be July 6th. July 5th is my father's birthday (Happy Birthday, Dad!!!! Love to you!) and tomorrow is George W. Bush's birthday. (finding it hard to celebrate, hard to love....). However, when I get up in the morning, I know I will find it in my heart to send the man, this human (just like me) love and honor and respect, such that he might act from love, honesty, true faith, and respect for all life. I think, despite all his weaknesses, it's still possible. He just needs to know that we support his acting from LOVE, not fear, RESPECT, not pride, FAITH, not GNP. Since he's over there with the elitist G8, it might help if he were softened up by a little love. And, speaking of love, check it out! The universe is full of it. Just open your heart, your mind, and you'll receive....