Friday, December 08, 2006

calling the moon

This morning i was recollecting with a friend about how, just a few months ago, we could go walking at 9 pm under skies still illuminated by sunlight. Ah, summer. It seems so far away now, and even the promise of lengthening days (that, according to science, begins in just two short weeks!) does little to chase off the growing sense of becoming lost, transparent, and unnecessary.

Fortunately, I've noticed the moon. The past few nights, she's been hovering near full, and casting light all around despite the insistent dark. If i dare go outside, I actually see myself against the winter landscape, my tall, imposing shadow leaning contrast into the white snow. She's high in the sky as she mirrors the path of the summer sun that is presently casting the southern hemisphere in shorts and tank tops. There's a balance point, if i choose to see it. I pull my wool hat down over my cold ears, but inside, I open my heart, and ask the keen reflector to tell me more of what's to come.