Wednesday, February 21, 2007


so, i tend to compose my blogs while doing anything other than being near a screen. screens tend to make my mind go into fractals of "duh". really, the best way to get me to NOT pay attention is to put me anywhere near a screen.

i think it's hereditary. my dad falls asleep in front of the t.v., my mom can't tell you the last thing she watched without multiple cues from the person with whom she watched it. my sister, like me, knows better than to own a t.v. but then there's this computer thing, which, i've been told, is hosted by "the family of dark". not that they're bad or anything, but they like to suck light.

(remember, you're a giant beam of light!).

so. i suppose it's a good thing (to make my point!) that i haven't been blogging in a long time. altho' i do look at this screen periodically, i've become a poor email correspondent as well as a lackadaisical googler ("what was it i got on here for?" i hear my mind ask frequently). i find that it's best if i make a list on paper (sorry trees, i know you were hoping for more liberation with this computer generation!) so that i can do what needs doing on email and internet efficiently, instead of getting distracted by the bleeps and pop ups and things i started but forgot about because of the clickable menus and icons...

so, what was i going to write about? ah! yes. warmth. we have it here, for the most part. or maybe it's because i started eating again. i did a cleanse for about 4 weeks which amounted to me drinking lots of clay and fiber water, as well as eating mostly fruits and vegetables during the coldest spell of temps we've had in colorado this year. i spent a lot of time in 4-6 layers of clothing, and under my down comforter, two down sleeping bags and a wool blanket. my hands looked like those of a corpse (ask anyone i work with!). i was cold. but now, it stays in the double digits at night (i rubbed my eyes the first time i saw double after 3 weeks of seeing "-6" when i drove past the bank each morning on my way to work) AND the days are super sunny, in the 40's, which means people are wearing shorts and flip flops. except for me, of course. i'm still a little cold.

i'm planning a 3 month job SOMEWHERE ELSE next winter. december, january and february can hold their own in colorado without me, i'm sure. that, or i'm moving to the vapor caves in ouray, where natural steam comes out of caverns and heats the entire town.

so, the worst of it is over, it'll still snow a good bit from now until the end of april, but we can count on warm days with lots of sunshine (daylight savings starts in 2 weeks! holy moly!). everyone is out running and riding their bikes (including me--i got new running shoes for the first time in, um, i'm embarrased to say) and, while there are some diehards who lament the lack of snow (maybe if i could afford a $70 lift ticket i'd be moaning about it, too), most of us are jumping at the approach of spring. hurrah! bring on the spring song!