Sunday, January 01, 2006

black eyed peas

i went to bed last night somewhere around 10:45 pm. the festivities started, for me, when i woke to 3 inches of new snow on the ground. this is a good way to start a new year, i think, in a coat of white, a blank page in front of you.

a lot of intriguing things have been happening around my house lately. ask me directly and i'll tell you about them, but what they've all given me is an awareness of what i want to engage in this year: the practice of seeing past the drama.

already i've recieved multiple gifts in this practice, besides the events occurring around my house. one was a book by jd salinger, which i didn't really like, but completely emphasized the point of view that we, as human beings, tend to attach ourselves to the roles we take on over the course of events that occur arround us, and often forget that they are just roles, and not who we are. the second came through a conversation with another friend, who relayed to me something that she read about the attachments we form to things that make us feel good, instead of recognizing that it's the feeling that feels good, not the thing that was the channel for our feeling it, and that, in fact, we can create that feeling without the presence of the thing with which we associate the feeling, and then can skip over the suffering caused by desire.

the funny thing is, i still sorta like knowing who i am in relationship to others, and i find drama engaging, and desire quite stimulating. i guess this is why i chose to be human, instead of a rock.

regardless of the paradox, i'm feeling good today, and not because of any particular thing, but just because i do. i feel like love is everywhere, and i can choose to be in love, or not. i can be in love with the tree outside my house, or i can choose to be in love with this entire landscape, or my housemate, or the cat, or the fireplace. or even a rock. some things might give me quicker access to actually feeling the love, but ultimately, i really do know that love is always there, and always available. i feel very blessed to know this.

so i ate black eyed peas, not because i believe in good luck, but because i like believing in a world where eating black eyed peas generates well-being. eat up, y'all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, for one, am glad you are a real person and not a rock. Although you make a handsome rock, you are cuter as a blonde chick

1:03 PM  

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