Monday, November 14, 2005

the flip-spin on things

Well, it's official. Mercury is in retrograde.

I think it started yesterday, about 2 pm mountain time, because within a matter of 3 minutes, my computer lost power, the i pod stopped playing, and my cell phone was disconnected from service (a day earlier than scheduled).

But i think mercury in retrograde isn't necessarily a bad thing. we all tend to associate it with glitches in communication, but i think its technically just communications that go differently than we expect. so, if you look at it this way, there's ample opportunity for unexpected GOOD communication to happen here, too.

Like, for instance, something switched dramatically for me last night. i felt lighter, and i saw all sorts of things i could do for myself in my evening alone. so i built a fire in the woodstove, got it really toasty in the living room, and did yoga as i watched the sun melt orange and yellow into the purple mountains. i made a tasty dinner and ate it in the glow of the fire and a few candles, listened closely to newly recorded music when my housemate returned from a late night hootenany. I realized, for the first time in a while, that i was not plagued by inner voices reminding me of my short comings. i've started to hear other things instead.

in the middle of the night, i could hear music outside my window. i opened it a crack, and the cold fall air gently cascaded across my bed. it felt good. i laid back down and listened for the music. it came in waves: a kind of soft, descending scale of notes that crescendoed and then disappeared. eventually, it would come again, sometimes in a different key. I enjoyed this music for nearly 20 minutes before i realized that it was the sound of trucks on Rte 160 nearly 6 miles away.

this morning, i heard clearly the things my spirit wanted to do today. it had nothing to do with the mechanical, list making, survival center that's been running many of my activities lately, rather, it came from a place of self-interest, curiosity, creativity, and completion. i got up and did work that i've avoided for weeks, and made phone calls without the dread that had kept them from happening earlier in my week. i started researching a topic for a local environmental radio spot. i planted bulbs in the yard. i made plans to go to the local hot springs. i took a walk down by the river and watched the various flying styles of the birds against the coral-orange cliffs. it all sounds normal, but it feels different. everything's more rich. i feel more consistently engaged than i've been in some time.

Perhaps this is what it feels like to let it move from the inside out.


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