Sunday, September 25, 2005

Just where DO our taxes go?

So, driving home from the East Bay, (after taking a beautiful walk through the redwoods with the sweet dog, Rufus, whom I'll be dogsitting for the next 3 weeks), i heard a snippet of NPR that I just have to link up here. Apparently in Bozeman, MT tonight, the town council is meeting to determine whether or not they will give back four million dollars to the federal government that was allotted, in a pork barrel, for a parking garage. If it went back to the Feds, they would require that it be used for Hurricane Katrina victims. Now, I don't know if i trust the Feds to allocate money (hello people! have you read about Blackwater Security? and Haliburton?) but what is EXTREMELY interesting is learning about all the little "special projects" the federal government funds without much notice. so. if you feel like writing your congress folk about why they're getting money for parking garages and roads to Wal-Mart when other folks in their districts can't find jobs or get access to decent food in their neighborhoods, then you might want to look at this link. otherwise, maybe we ought to just start visualizing benevolent alien takeover.

(p.s. this is a list of "pork" suggested by constiutents to be used for hurricane katrina relief. click on subjects in the menu bar to the left of this link to learn more)


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