Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Like Stevie Said...

I woke this morning to a pink and orange painted desert sky, with sage, juniper and scrub oak dotting the foreground. My head rested on a window-side pillow, flushing pink with cold, while my back tingled warm from the body cozied up next to me. I shifted to get a better look at the mama deer and her two fawns walking the barbed wire reinforced property line; Tooler, the calico one, stirred and meowed, stretched, and left my spine to generate its own heat. This is the seventh bed i've slept in in seven days, and it brings a whole new perspective to that saying, "you make the bed you lie in". I guess we really do get to create our every day.

Today I'm in Durango, where i began my home-free journey 4 months ago to the day. It is tempting to stop and look back at all that has occurred over the past 120 days, just as it is to look ahead to what might happen next, especially given what i know now compared to what i knew then. but i've been given today, with the temptations just being the music on the radio. The sun is shining, the aspens are shaking their leaves like costumes on belly dancers' hips, and the winds of autumn are stirring up change everywhere. I feel my heart opening to gratitude for the miracle of all of this, and all that i don't even see that is life giving and intangible. There seems to be nothing else to do but to keep on...


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