Thursday, September 22, 2005

post-yoga thoughts on rita

(okay, so, the title sort of states the disclaimer: the following thoughts occurred immediately after my bikram yoga class, which, according to my instructor, reached 120 degrees Fahrenheit and 60 % humidity and did i-don't-know-what to my brain...)

Yoga today kicked my ass. It was hotter than I think I've ever experienced, and the sweat on my body was so thick that i couldn't get a good grip on my ankle during Standing Bow (my foot kept rocketing skyward out of my hand and i fell twice!). However, at the end of class, i found myself lying in Savasana, and thanking the air, the water, the heat of the room, the teachers, the studio, the trees, the fossil fuel that brought me to class (and that likely heated the classroom), all the people who practice yoga, my spirit guides (for, in this case, not letting me get so far into my head that i'd want to either leave or puke), and then, at the end of it all, i found myself thanking Hurricane Rita.


I thanked her for making something of all the energy we--as a human population, as a country--have been tossing about in the form of consumption, environmental abuses (from pumping and refining fuel to creating petrochemical pesticides which then leak back into our waterways to contribute to the Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico which, at last measurement, was equal to the size of Rhode Island), and for directly targeting the region that directly represents these abuses: Galveston and Houston, Texas. I thanked her for reminding us that we are not victims of some horrific "act of God" or "natural disaster" but that we ourselves are very powerful beings, and we have a hand in the creation of all of this, whether or not it is comprehensible in the logical mind. She points to a bigger picture, to one that is timeless and boundless, and of which EVERY LIVING THING is a part. Our actions do not go unnoticed. When we take without respect, gratitude, or return, our actions will be acknowledged and balanced. It is no coincidence that this hurricane is reaching full force at the time of equinox, in the season of Libra, representing balance and justice.

but, i also asked Rita if it wasn't too late for me to contribute some other energy into her whirling spiral....I offered her love. Lots of love, both for who she was being, regardless of my understanding, and as something to mix in with all the anger and hunger for "what we deserve", whether that energy came from people who have exploited natural resources, or from the Earth itself in gaining retrobution for the attrocities committed against her. I have a lot of love to give, and I can give it to a hurricane as much as i can to myself, or the dog i'm caring for, or the food that I ate for dinner, or the people in my life that i want to keep present. Perhaps it will make a difference in how hard she swings at the Gulf. I guess I'll never know, but I can believe...


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