Sunday, April 02, 2006


the past few days have been full. i spent all of friday on a farm, unearthing day lilies for planting, and listening to the baa of newborn lambs in the adjacent pasture. the sun poured down, the mesa side springs gushed water into the irrigation ponds, and the soil saturated the air with the scent of spring. me? i blissed out.

saturday, i woke to snow all over the ground. by the time i had built a fire in the woodstove, the snow had turned to rain. soon the sky filled with big purple and white clouds, and then it all darkened to indigo, and thunder erupted. then the creek cracked. the snow filled stream behind my house gave way to chunks of flowing ice. my ears danced delightfully between the uproarious sky and the melodical water, two sounds that have evaded my senses for seasons now.

today, my house became a new house. brian returned from a 4 day motorcycle trip through the desert, mari moved her belongings from her red truck into the room next door, and nicola emptied boxes of herbs and tinctures which now decorate our kitchen shelves.

nothing i knew on thursday is certain today. how splendidly unnerving....


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