Monday, July 02, 2007

Declaration of In(ter)dependence

a little update on an old classic:

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for people to dissolve the identities which have disconnected us from each other and renounce assumptions that assert the power to determine Laws of Nature, God, and Entitlement, a decent respect for all living things comes over us and impels us to see that nothing separates us--all life is connected.

We hold that Truth is not always evident, and that all beings face challenges and struggle in the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. Not one being deserves either the struggle or the success in discovering these ideals. There is no certainty or security in life, save that which we construct with our words and our actions which will, time and again, fail us despite their intent. Still, agreements, organizations, partnerships and governments will be created on the foundation that our words will be honored and that actions comply with our words until we speak otherwise.

When anyone's word is invalidated by action or lack of action, it is in the best interest of all beings to acknowledge this break in integrity and make room for something new to be created. When this is done in the absence of judgement or the declaration of right or wrong, there is no fear of failure or harm guiding the new direction, as its foundations are in creation and not repair. The collaborative work in creating words that guide actions that inspire new worlds is rooted in evolution, not dissolution.


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