Monday, January 28, 2008


so. this was what my truck looked like this morning after i got in at 7:30 last night through the foot of snow that had already fallen. when i went to dig out my friend katherine's 4x4 this morning, i was brandishing a shovel to clear off the hood while standing hip high in the surrounding snow. it's still coming down now--folks say this is the most snow we've gotten in one storm for a while. this winter has been pretty rough--less than 10 days ago we had a slushy storm that took down trees and powerlines everywhere; this was followed by a major cold front (-10 for days) and more snow that covered the pre-existing ice base. it's been really difficult to get around at all, and of course it takes two hours to dig yourself out of your driveway (or downtown parking spot after work) so no one feels much like socializing in their precious free-of-labor time. me, i've been reading zen drama (a history of San Francisco Zen Center called "Shoes Outside the Door"--fascinating to read after my experience there and my novice understanding of zen buddhism). i've also been pouring through seed catalogs, picking out my crops for the garden (peas, radishes, arugula, tatsoi, beets, mizuna, mesculun, cherry toms, basil, cilantro, purple pole beans, borage, calendula, leeks, scallions and sweet peas, for sure!). there are the upsides to being shut in. and i finally learned how to put chains on my tires after dark in pounding snow! tomorrow i get to shovel off the roof top. huzzah! hooray for winter....


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