Sunday, October 30, 2005

Illuminating aspects

Last night I enjoyed the company of Laura Ingalls, Bat Woman, Spider Man, Marilyn Monroe, Dumb Donald (unfortunately, Fat Albert couldn't make it), the Universe, a sexy saxophone player, a cute little black sheep, and, to my delight, the One-eyed, One-horned, Flying Purple People Eater! i was so excited to meet TOEOHFPPE, because i've forever wondered if the purple bit of his title referred to his color, or the color of the people he preferred to eat and I got to ask him! I feel complete now that my question has been answered.

i allowed my dark side to manifest itself last night. My hair became highlighted with black streaks, and my eyes sunk into my head. i grew black wings with long feathers, and shiny black and silver skin. i wore a black gown and carried a juniper crag in my taloned fist, and felt old and wise. When i danced around a bonfire in the cold night, i felt my sadness rise, and was powerful. i couldn't sleep at all. from my window, i watched Orion sneak into the southern horizon, a sure sign of winter, and then sat quietly as the clouds came in with more snow for the peaks.

despite the cold, despite the dark, i am welcoming the depth of this winter, and the opportunity to go inside and get creative with what might be able to sustain me through this season of frozen ground. this is the season in which i chose to come to this world, after all...perhaps it has something for me to come home to as well.


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