Wednesday, January 24, 2007

good morning

i've been enjoying the hour shift in my new work schedule. i go to work one hour later, but it makes all the difference. Morning is my favorite time of day.

today, i got up in the waking blue that comes before the sun, and went outside to see the the stars that so clearly cut the milky way through the heavens last night give lead to the singular star that energizes our little planet. From the blue slowly grew form, and mountains gained shape and structure, depth and definition before my eyes. shadowy treeshapes sprouted individual branches, snow laden and with birdsong. the east took on a rosy hue, and i sat back and let it in. this light is my light, and is not my light. this light both is me and distiguishes me. what a crazy world we live in.

my drive to work these days starts on the top of a mesa, where the sun lifts every snowflake into crystal splendor. driving without sunglasses is practially lethal, but i have to do it, because it's so spectacular. and soon i descend into the windy canyons, still cold and dark, that wind into town. by the time i reach work, sun has crept to the river bank, and the steam rising from the animas evaporates into rainbows.

this beauty, this reverence for can anything else be more important?


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