Friday, October 21, 2005

so, i have to blog right now because i can. I'm in the back of my truck in a dirt lot next to the La Quinta in Moab, Utah (look, ma! i'm mooching wireless!). It's comfy, not as much as a room might be, but i've got silk curtains, a down comforter, and the calming rhythm of a sprinkler outside my window. homey, for sure, and i think that's what i'm on the road for now.

Yes. Home, my new home, is a three hour drive from here.

I decided not to break into my new house and frighten my new housemates at 1 in the morning, and besides, i was beginning to see things that weren't cars and trucks in the lights on these 2 lane highways through the desert. so, i'm taking advantage of the bed in the back of my truck for the last night it will be there. and I'll get to see the red rocks and canyonlands on the early morning drive to Durango.

Moab is PACKED tonight. every hotel is booked up, and the parking lots are filled with trucks towing a variety of jeeps and four-wheelers. i don't know what's going on this weekend (it's a friday night, after all) but it looks very testosterone-fueled.
i wonder how many eggs will be eaten in this town tomorrow morning. for that matter, i wonder how many chickens had to work overtime to produce all those eggs. are there labor laws for poultry?

okay, well, i'd better sleep before this thought goes on too far. i've already had disturbing dreams about sinking to the bottom of the ocean due to the weight of two saturated down sleeping bags earlier this morning. please, sweet dreams for all of us...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, I remember seeing that red earth, those rock formations, lichens, and the great expanse with you 9 years ago.
I wonder what your mesa looks like and your home. What are the little nooks and twists of that abode that is now Amy's shelter and home?
As I sit here in this cube I must find internal inspiration rather than external inspiration to achieve action for others benefits. I think I need some perspective.
Much love to you.
I love you infinity plus one.
Peace and inspiration,

11:38 AM  

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